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Street Assignments 04 - Black and White

Our 4th Street Assignment and we have to say we're both so impressed with the quality of submissions we've been getting. This one in particular has some great work by Alex Greenway, Lloyd Hunt, Aditya Yadav and more.

Check out our gallery of submissions below, leave a comment and get in touch with the photographer if you like their work! You can see their names and instagram handles in the captions (which we've now improved)

2 Responses

Geoff Harrop

Geoff Harrop

June 27, 2023

Definitely some stunning photos here!!
Some used monochrome very well indeed a few looked more like regular photos converted and while still effective photos did not feel like …they just had to be black and white.
Very stimulating project.

Mark Stacey

Mark Stacey

June 27, 2023

Brilliant set of photos but especially love the one from Andy Rose near the bottom. Got a lovely timeless quality about it.

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