
Feb Assignment: URBAN WILDLIFE

Feb Assignment | Street Assignment #22

For this assignment, we want to see a street or documentary photograph that captures some form of *urban critter*. Think of the animals we often encounter in the city—like pigeons, foxes, cats, dogs, squirrells or maybe even herons or horses?

For more info and to submit an image, simply join our FRAMELINES Community and follow the instructions on the pinned post.

Submissions close 28th February 2025

Previous Assignments

Street Assignments

We wanted to see how you interpret colour harmonies in street photography, it could be a colour match/ coincidence, a series of primary colours in a scene, or a street photo featuring a harmonious colour palette. Check out the gallery from the Framelines community.
We wanted to see how the community use and interpret "layers" in street photography, whether you prefer wide-angle scenes with a lot going on, or you like to shoot with a long lens and add foreground elements!
We did black and white - now lets shoot some colour! Discover how the community tackled this assignment at the tail end of the Summer!
Contrast, deep shadows and bold colours. Check out how the community interpreted Shadows in our July Street AssignmentSpecial mention to Karlynne Wintels
Summertime! Swimmers, Ice Cream, Sunbathers and more in our 5th Street Assignment. These are some of the best submissions we've seen so far for one of our street assignments. Special mentions to Lloyd Hunt and Luke Merril!
Our 4th Street Assignment and we have to say we're both so impressed with the quality of submissions we've been getting. This one in particular has some great work by Alex Greenway, Lloyd Hunt, Aditya Yadav and more.

This month we wanted to see your best street photographs on the theme of public transport.

Capturing the mood of the city and its people in transit. Check out these excellent submissions from the Framelines Community.

Bad weather, nice weather, rain, snow, wind - you name it! This assignment features street photography in all of the elements! Take a browse through the gallery and enjoy
Our first community street assignment: 'Dogs!' Beautiful color and black and white pics of four legged friends from across the globe.

Have a question?

Simply join our framelines patreon community and follow the instructions in the latest street assignments post.

Street assignments run once a month. We launch them on the first of the month and submissions close at the end of the month.

Only members of the framelines community can enter

All submissions are featured in a gallery on our website at the end of the month. We shout out our favourites on social media and youtube. 10 of our favourite street assignment submissions are then included in our print & digital magazine.

We think great street photography can be found anywhere, and sometimes brilliant photos can be easily overlooked thanks to social media algorithms. So we wanted to provide space for anyone to submit a photo and get seen. Already, we've been very impressed with the quality of submissions and can't wait to see more.