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MARCH Assignment: Public Transport

March Assignment | Street Assignment #23

For this assignment, we want to see a street or documentary photograph that captures life on public transport—whether it's buses, trains, trams, or even ferries...? From the daily grind of commuting to quiet moments lost in thought, public transport creates so many opportunities for interesting and compelling street photos.

For more info and to submit an image, simply join our FRAMELINES Community and follow the instructions on the pinned post.

Submissions close 31st March 2025

Previous Assignments

Street Assignments

For this assignment, we wanted to see a street or documentary photograph that captures some form of *urban critter*. Think of the animals we often encounter in the city—like pigeons, foxes, cats, dogs, squirrels or maybe even herons or horses?

We wanted to see people thinking about how to use artifical light to create a compelling night time street photograph. So many incredible shots to look through this month, take your time viewing the gallery and please enjoy it on a desktop if possible.

We wanted to see how golden and blue hour lighting can impact the composition of your street photographs and how these times of day can alter the mood of the image.

We wanted to see how natural frames like windows, doorways, arches, or even shadows could create a “frame within a frame.” The goal was to lead the viewer’s eye directly to the subject while simultaneously creating depth and utilizing layers.


In September, we wanted to see a street or documentary photograph utilising some form of reflection to create depth, layer and intrigue , either using a reflective surface like a window or water..

We wanted to see a visually compelling street photograph that showcases the power of the colour red.
We wanted to see how the Framelines Community approached  taking a street photograph incorporating WEATHER , be it good or bad!

We wanted to see how you approached FILLING THE FRAME

Thinking about how to compose a busy street photograph, an image where the viewer's eye travels across the frame, taking time to enjoy all the little details. Thinking about the flow of people in the image, keeping it visually stimulating but not too busy.

This month we wanted to see the community's best Abstract street photographs. Check out the full gallery here.
We wanted to see wider scenes, showing people interacting and existing within their space, it could be in both urban or suburban scenes. Using people to punctuate a wider frame, and creating an image that balances both subject and background.
We wanted to see the street photographs that best represent your work as a street photographer! We really wanted to get a sense of everyone's take on street photography and how where you are in the world influences your style of shooting.

We wanted to see your street photographs taken at night.Thinking about how you use artificial light, what focal length you want to use. Maybe a longer exposure... or you might want to creatively experiment with white balance..?

Have a question?

Simply join our framelines patreon community and follow the instructions in the latest street assignments post.

Street assignments run once a month. We launch them on the first of the month and submissions close at the end of the month.

Only members of the framelines community can enter

All submissions are featured in a gallery on our website at the end of the month. We shout out our favourites on social media and youtube. 10 of our favourite street assignment submissions are then included in our print & digital magazine.

We think great street photography can be found anywhere, and sometimes brilliant photos can be easily overlooked thanks to social media algorithms. So we wanted to provide space for anyone to submit a photo and get seen. Already, we've been very impressed with the quality of submissions and can't wait to see more.